Monday, December 14, 2009

A Core Tradition

We have a Core Tradition every year at Christmastime. We Travel to Rudy, Arkansas and visit Lollis Christmas Tree Farm where we sort through hundreds of trees until we find that special one that fits into this crazy family. This year was Kru's first year to participate. It was quite an experience for him. He loved being able to just run wild, stomp in the mud (and even eat a little when I wasn't looking), and trail after his big brothers.

First look at the tree farm.

Playing in the mud.

Noah and Wyatt

If you've never had the chance to experience a tree farm, here is how it works. When you arrive, they give you a big stick/pole with measurements on it so that you can find the right size of tree. Size is usually the tricky part. When your outside an eight foot tree looks a little wimpy. Naturally, Noah and Wyatt are drawn to the 14 ft tall Christmas trees, which leads to the explanation that it actually has to fit in our house. Or they find the classic "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree and want to take it home.

Kru decided that he needed a
stick like Daddy.

Measuring a tree.

Noah and Wyatt with the
"Charlie Brown" Christmas tree.

Once you locate the perfect Christmas tree, you simply flip over the pole, neon orange side up and wait for someone to come cut it down for you. Easy. Peasy.

Holding up the pole.

Cutting down the tree.

Watching it fall.

When you arrive back at the parking lot, the friendly staff already have your tree bailed up and waiting for you. They also supply the kiddos with yummy candy canes for the trip back home. Our approximately 8 foot Christmas tree cost $30. Well worth it in my opinion.

The result:

Gas to Rudy, AR and back home: $12

Real, live Christmas tree: $30

Core Family Tradition: Priceless

1 comment:

  1. Yes it is priceless. What fun memories they will have doing that! My boys have never experienced that yet. Maybe next year. ;o) I'm having a giveaway. Come over and check it out!

    Your tree looks beautiful!
